Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Decking Material San Antonio


    where is there a builder that will charge ,000 for a 2,800 square feet home in san antonio?
    where is there a builder that will charge 60,000 for a 2,800 square feet home? in san antonio


    never going to happen. The materials cost here is .14 sf. You can't even build a deck for less then a sq foot.


    How much does it cost to put on new roof felt for a tile roof in AZ?
    My house is approximately 3,000 square feet and has a pitched roof. I know they take the tiles off and can probably reuse them. I'm trying to determine the budget. My roof is 13 years old and I have a roof leak and it was fixed but is leaking again. The contractor tells me I need a new roof.


    I am not in the roofing business, AND am not challenging previous answers BUT...

    I grew up in a house [about 2,000 square feet] with a Spanish Mission Tile roof, and my parents had to go through the same process you're about to. Here is some info regarding their experience.

    The original roof tiles [3,500 of 'em at 5# each] were installed [1954] over a wood 'ship-lap' deck with a double layer of Builder's Felt ['tar paper'] and utilized galvanized steel for flashing. After about 40 years they began to have leaks [both in the open roof areas AND at some of the valleys]. Since then my dad, and I in my research, found that the watertight lifespan of this type of roof is about 40 to 50 years.

    Analysis during the process of the multiple repairs revealed that the cause of the leaks was that the galvanized flashings had rusted through, AND the hot SE Texas sun [on the Gulf of Mexico coast] "cooked out" the tar paper causing it to disintegrate. Thus when wind driven rain got beneath the tiles [this is normal for such roofs], it caused leaks into the attic, and rotting of the wood roof decking.

    By 1990 the increasing number of leaks made it clear that 'continuing' spot repairs would end up costing significantly more than a total "R&R" [remove and replace] of the roof which would be most economical, though not cheap.

    My dad decided that he didn't want that to happen again so soon, so he put a 'double' roof back on.

    They totally removed the tile, screeds, and disintegrating tar paper, and cut out and repaired all rotted wood. They then installed a DOUBLE layer of tar paper [by using a 'half overlap'].

    Next, they installed a full roof under-covering using what is called "Roll Roofing" material which has marble chips on the surface [actually the same thing as composition shingles, but in roll form (about 36 inches wide, I think)] over the tar paper.

    They then installed the flashings and screeds for the top/covering tiles, and then installed all the tiles. In the process they had about a 15 percent loss of tile due to breakage.

    The broken tiles were replaced with new tiles obtained from a manufacturer in Hondo, Texas [west of San Antonio]. I think the name of the company was D'hannis [sp?]. By taking a few of the old tiles to them, they were able to perfectly match size, profile, AND COLOR.

    Instead of using galvanized flashing, Dad used heavy guage COPPER sheeting for the valleys and chimney. Dad said that this replacement roof system SHOULD last at least a HUNDRED YEARS, and possibly much longer.

    He told me, to the best of my recollection, the cost was somewhere around US,000 in 1991.


    Help make my dragon deck better please!!?
    I wanna make my deck more competitive and i dont know if its possible, I run dragons with a splash of Chaos. i was hoping to do good in tournaments, but with all the decks out there i dont wanna go buy a new deck. also what should i side deck?

    Heres my deck:

    3x Red-eyes darkness metal dragon
    3x Red-eyes wyvern
    3x Blue-eyes white dragon
    2x masked dragon
    2x white stone of legend
    2x decoy dragon
    2x spirit reaper
    1x light and darkness dragon
    1x prime material dragon
    1x totem dragon
    1x marshmallon
    1x chaos sorcerer

    2x mystical space typhoon
    2x lightning vortex
    2x gold sarcophagus
    1x dragons mirror
    1x foolish burial
    1x dark hole
    1x monster reborn
    1x future fusion

    3x royal decree
    2x bottomless trap hole
    1x mirror force
    1x return from a different dimension

    1x red dragon archfiend
    2x stardust dragon
    1x ancient fairy dragon
    1x iron chain dragon
    2x five headed dragon
    1x blue eyes ultimate ( never actually use him lol)
    i decided i was gonna work in 2 delta flyers because of there synchro power


    this deck reminds me of a deck ive went against twice at a tournament (do you by chance live in san antonio andgo too gamelot on sunday for a yugioh tournament there?).

    and i haven't beaten it it (of course ive never had a complete deck) but there are a few things i would change why not try getting some COCs and mabey another dragons mirror and more dragons for your extra deck like a star dust dragon, red nova dragon (mabey try testing out red nova first to see if you can get it out easy), and any other dragon you can think of

decking material san antonio

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